The Effect of Online Community Relations Mediated Public Relations on Brand Loyalty and Brand Trust: An Empirical Study

  • Saba Akram UCP Business School, University of Central Punjab
  • Ambreen Khursheed UCP Business School, University of Central Punjab
Keywords: Public Relations,, Online Community Relations,, Brand Trust, Brand Loyalty


Many communication managers have recognized a growing trend of online community relations in the industry and the need for organizations to develop successful online community relations that promote trust and loyalty on brands. Taking the perspective of online community relations, the study analyze how online community relations mediated PR on the brand’s social media fan page influence the loyalty and trust of consumers towards brands. This study has selected the following critical functions of online community relations: brand engagement, brand image and brand credibility in enhancing brand loyalty and brand trust. A survey with 180 respondents was conducted and the data were analyzed using correlation and regression analysis. The findings of the results showed that online community relations mediated PR through social media have positive effects in enhancing brand loyalty, and brand trust. Additionally, the study also found that brand engagement, brand image, and brand credibility plays a mediating role and does influence consumer’s trust and loyalty on brands. The findings of the study help public relations practitioners and social media managers to have a detailed insight into cultivating loyalty and consumer’s trust.
